Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Camping and Columbus with Grandpa and Grandma

Over the Fourth weekend we went camping at Deer Creek State Park. Harrison loves camping because he gets to be outside 24 hours a day. We, the parents, aren't too sure. It's a lot of work to keep an eye on our little adventurer and putting him to sleep in a tent isn't exactly easy either. Thankfully this time we had grandma and grandpa with us. We went fishing and this pesky fish kept messing with our bait. So we brought the pros in. Grandma promptly caught the fish for us and gave Harrison his first upclose with a fish.

all really liked it!

This one's for Opa --
Opa loves getting pictures of his kids and grandkids smelling the flowers.
Well this is a replica of the stinkiest flower in the world! The real
version wasn't blooming but Harrison liked the plastic version just the same!

Watching the geese -- probably Harrison's favorite part of the zoo
and something we could just as easily do at home, but whatever, he loved it!

This orangutan was AMAZING! It came down and sat right by the glass.
It would make faces and play peek-a-boo with Harrison. It was the
coolest thing I have ever experienced at zoo. Harrison just shrieked and laughed.
It was really incredible to see the two actually interacting with each other.

Harrison with the alligators.

Then it was time to go home. We certainly were tired after a long day at the zoo.

But we had to stop at an old familar place for some dinner.
It was Harrison's first time and he loved it as much as his mom, dad, Uncle Nick, and nuclear
family does.

It was a great trip to Ohio.

1 comment:

la said...

wait.... let me get this straight,

you all wore tie dye to the zoo?

when in rome.... (ohio)